User Feedback

Learn how to gather user feedback and improve your documentation.

The Feedback component is a simple and effective way to collect user feedback in your application. It presents the user with a "Yes" or "No" question, typically asking if the content was helpful.


The component is used in the following way:

1<Feedback className="your-custom-class" />

When a user submits their feedback, the onSubmit function is triggered. This function prevents the default form submission event, and sets the isSubmitted state to true.

1function onSubmit(e: SyntheticEvent<HTMLFormElement, SubmitEvent>) { 2 e.preventDefault() 3 4 // TODO: Do something with the response 5 // e.nativeEvent.submitter?.dataset.response => "yes" or "no" 6 7 setIsSubmitted(true) 8}

How to Store Feedback

The Feedback component does not store user feedback. It is up to you to decide how you want to store the feedback. Here are some options:

Analytics Event

This is the simplest way to store user feedback. Here is an example using Vercel Analytics:

1import { track } from '@vercel/analytics' 2import { usePathname } from "next/navigation" 3 4export const Feedback = () => { 5 const pathname = usePathname() 6 7 function onSubmit(e: SyntheticEvent<HTMLFormElement, SubmitEvent>) { 8 e.preventDefault() 9 10 track('User Feedback', { 11 pathname, 12 response: e.nativeEvent.submitter?.dataset.response, 13 }); 14 15 setIsSubmitted(true) 16 } 17 18 // ... 19}

Redux store

If you are using Redux, you can dispatch an action to store the feedback in your Redux store. Here is an example:

1import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux' 2import { usePathname } from "next/navigation" 3 4export const Feedback = () => { 5 const dispatch = useDispatch() 6 const pathname = usePathname() 7 8 function onSubmit(e: SyntheticEvent<HTMLFormElement, SubmitEvent>) { 9 e.preventDefault() 10 11 dispatch({ 12 type: 'FEEDBACK_SUBMITTED', 13 payload: { 14 pathname, 15 response: e.nativeEvent.submitter?.dataset.response, 16 }, 17 }) 18 19 setIsSubmitted(true) 20 } 21 22 // ... 23}

API request

You can also send the feedback to your own API. Here is an example using native fetch API:

1import { usePathname } from "next/navigation" 2 3export const Feedback = () => { 4 const pathname = usePathname() 5 6 function onSubmit(e: SyntheticEvent<HTMLFormElement, SubmitEvent>) { 7 e.preventDefault() 8 9 fetch('/api/feedback', { 10 method: 'POST', 11 body: JSON.stringify({ 12 pathname, 13 response: e.nativeEvent.submitter?.dataset.response, 14 }), 15 }) 16 17 setIsSubmitted(true) 18 } 19 20 // ... 21}
Last updated 7 months ago
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