A Starting Point for your NextJS Documentation Website

NimbleDocs makes it easy to build, write and ship documentation websites, from start to finish. You can also use it to build full-blown websites, just like this one.

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NextJS LogoTailwindCSS LogoTypeScript LogoMDX LogoContentLayer LogoAlgolia Logo
UI Screenshot

Delightful UI Components

We believe that every business should have access to beautiful, user-friendly docs. Good documentation is not just about providing info, but also creating an experience for the users that makes them want to explore more.

NimbleDocs comes with a set of UI components, designed with a focus on usability, aesthetics, and adaptability.

Quick Links
More coming soon...

Delightful design

We crafted every pixels of the UI to make it look great and be easy to use.

Light and Dark Theme

We provide a beautiful Tailwind CSS dark theme that users can toggle with a switch.

Reusable Components

The codebase comes with minimal UI components based on TailwindCSS and Tabler Icons.


Designed with a mobile-first approach, the platform is accessible from any device.
Code Screenshot

Type-Safe Code & Content

NimbleDocs is built with TypeScript, MDX, and ContentLayer. This powerful combination allows you to write type-safe code and content, ensuring a high level of reliability and robustness in your application.

With these technologies, you can write your code and content with confidence.

Lightweight & easy to use
Great developer experience
Blazing-fast build & page performance

Modern Tech-Stack

Built with React v18 and Next.js v13, the platform is fast and easy to use.


No need for time-consuming config: everything is set up and ready for deployment.

Clean Code

The codebase is clean, well-structured, and easy to understand.

Easily Expandable

The platform is designed to be easily expandable with new features.

The Ultimate Tech Stack

We've carefully selected the best technologies to build a fast, reliable, and easy-to-use documentation starter.

NextJS Framework

Built on the NextJS framework, a popular and powerful framework for building React applications. It provides features like server-side rendering and static site generation.

Typescript Support

The entire codebase is written in TypeScript, which aids in early error detection during development and improves code readability and maintainability.

MDX Support

MDX is used for writing content files. MDX is a markdown format that allows you to use JSX (React components) in your markdown files.


ContentLayer is handling the content in the application. It allows you to write your content in MDX or markdown files and then it generates TypeScript types for your content.

Algolia Search

Algolia, a powerful and flexible search API, is integrated into the application. It provides fast and relevant search functionality for your content.


A utility-first CSS framework, is used for styling the application. It allows for rapid UI development and promotes consistency across the application.

Save hours of the repetitive work










Frequently Asked Questions

We're here to help with any questions you have about the product, pricing, or anything else.

NextJS Documentation Starter Kit